Thursday, 14 September 2017

Diary Of A Power Pussy - Cabaret Review

What: Diary Of A Power Pussy
When: 14 - 17 September 2017
Where: The Butterfly Club
Performed by: Laydee Bombay, Michael Chalk, Sophie deLightful, Xena Electric and Scarlett Rose

Sophie deLightlul and Michael Chalk - photo by Ange Leggas
If you haven't yet come across the power and beauty of cabaret artist Sophie deLightful don't miss this chance to laugh and play with a songstress of world class vocal talent and a sense of humour which will warm you to your cockles. Perfectly situated at The Butterfly Club, I can't recommend Diary Of A Power Pussy highly enough as a way to end your Fringe filled evenings this September.

In a way I feel the title of the show is an unfortunate barrier but don't be put off. Yes, deLightful is a feminist but what does that really mean? For deLightful being a 'power pussy' is not gender defined. She uses the term to talk about a softer perspective in a world filled with too much penis. The only wood in this show is the piano as Chalk accompanies the lustrous and powerful crooning deLightful brings to us.

If Diary Of A Power Pussy was just a solo concert for deLightful that would be reward enough but her background is burlesque and circus and so at times the stage is taken over by exciting performance artists to thrill and delight. Light manipulators Zia Electric and Scarlet Rose light up the stage in unusual and exciting ways.

Electric brings and other worldly quality to a pair of wildly careening neon pink dildos and Rose demonstrates a new twist to using the quarterstaff. With lights on either end, the staff twirls through the air and across her body in ways you won't think possible. Both performers leave you mesmerized and amazed.

The body of the show, though, belongs to delightful. Playing with the idea she is letting us into her secret diary she cheekily uses poetry to segue into music classics. From 'I've Put A Spell On You' (she recommends checking with your doctor...), to lounge versions of Britney Spears' 'Circus', deLightful croons with a torch song voice worthy of the great lounge bars of Yore.

I first came across deLightful at and event called Frisky Whiskey and even now I can't believe I haven't heard about her before. Her voice has a timber and power reminiscent of Janis Joplin, but with a smoothness and beauty worthy of Adele. With Diary Of A Power Pussy I struggled between wanting to close my eyes and just lose myself in the glory of her singing, and wanting to keep them open because deLightful is a fun and engaging stage performer you can't take your eyes off.

The show did have to come to an end though and Laydee Bombay took to the stage to bring us her best impression of a Stepford Wife. Her rapier physical humour reminded us why power pussies are necessary. Everything about where women have been and where we still have to go was encapsulated in this fun and frightening five minute segment before we stepped back out into the cold night.

There really is no better way to end a long night of Melbourne Fringe Festival frolics. Head down to The Butterfly Club, grab a cocktail or two or three or four...then sit back and laugh and relax at the end of a long day with Diary Of A Power Pussy.

4 Stars

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