Monday 27 June 2016

Copy, Cut, Post - Live Art Review

What: Copy, Cut, Post
Where: Metanoia
When: June 25 - July 10
Curated by: Paula van Beek
Created by: Sarah Edwards, Michelle Ferris, Simone French, Vanessa Godden, Janet Hoe, Tassa Joannidis, Gabrielle Leah New, George Roxby Smith, Paula van Beek
Metanoia have launched their Live Works season for 2016 and to kick it off Paula van Beek has gathered a group of exciting artists to create an exciting exhibition which fills all the fun and exciting spaces at the Brunswick Mechanics Institute. Van Beek describes the exhibition as a response to the rise of selfie feminism.

I admit I am not an expert of Live Works, and I like that it is referred to as an exhibition although it is a part of the Live Works season because I think this is a more appropriate word. It is really a cross discipline exhibition with performance and interactive elements. In van Beek's artist statement she says that 'these works seek to complicate the discourse around visibility' and I think parts of the exhibition succeed admirably.

Copy, Cut, Post is an amazing achievement. All of the artists came together on the Saturday and created the entire exhibition (including performances) over the weekend, ready for the launch on Sunday evening. The exhibition includes video material, fabric sculptures and performance.

The two highlights for me included the collage table and Simone French's performance 'Capturing My Alter Ego'. French's performance explores the pressures on people taking selfies these days with a wit and hilarity which raised the roof. As she says, "My life can't go unnoticed. It must be documented."

The collage table is the interactive part of the evening, It is simply a long table with magazines, glue, tape, and paper and people can sit and create their own collage and then keep it or put it up on the display wall. You can see my contribution to the wall above.

Vanessa Gooden's 'My Nipples Aren't Pink' is another fun yet incisive comment of the female image. She creates the art in the space and it is also available for purchase, The work of a couple of artists is for sale including Paula van Geek's 'The New Diversity Is Definitely For Sale'.

It is impossible for me to outline the entire exhibition, but I recommend you go along and get involved with 'complicating the discourse' with these intriguing female artists. You will be challenged, confused, and confounded.

4 Stars

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